- Shape
- angled: (L): anguli-; (G): gonio-bent: (G): ancylo-; (G): campto-; (G): campylo-; (G): cypho-blunt: (G): ambly-; (L): obtus-; (L): retus-broad: (see wide)circular: (see round)clubbed: (L): clavat-; (G): rhopalo-closed: (G): clisto-coiled: (see spiral)crescent-shaped: (L): lunuli-; (G): menisco-crooked: (G): ancylo-; (G): rhaebo-; (G): scolio-curled: (L): crispi-: (G): bostrycho-curved: (G): cyrto-; (G): gampso-; (G): toxo-cylindrical: (L): cylind-, cylindro-dense: (see thick)egg-shaped: (L): ovat-flat: (L): aplanat-; (L): plani-; (G): platy-forked: (G): dicho-; (G): dicro-; (L): forficat-; (L): furc-form: (L): -form; (G): morpho-; (G): schemato-hollow: (L): alveo-; (L): cavi-; (G): coelo-hooked: (G): ancistr-; (G): ancylo-; (G): grypho-; (L): hamat-; (G): onco-horned: (G):cerato-; (L): cornut-lobed: (L): lobat-, lobi-narrow: (L): angusti-; (G): steno-oblique: (see slanting)open: (L): aperi-; (G): chaeno-; (G): oego-pointed: (L): acuminat-; (L): muricat-ragged: (G): carcharo-; (L): pannos-; (G): rhago-round: (L): circuli-; (G): cyclo-; (G): gyro-; (L): rotundi-; (G): strongylo-shape: (see form)sharp: (L): acri-; (L): acuti-; (G): oxy-slanting: (L): declivi-; (G): dochmo-; (G): epiphoro-; (G): lechrio-; (G): loxo-; (L): obliqu-; (G): plagio-slender: (L): gracil-; (G): lepto-; (L): tenui-sphaerical: (G): sphaero-spiral: (G): helico-; (L): spirali-; (L): strombi-split: (G): dicho-, (G): dicrano-; (G): schisto-, schizo-square: (L): quadrat-steep: (G): ananto-; (L): ardu-straigjit: (G): euthy-; (G): ortho-; (L): recti -thick: (L): crassi-; (G): hadro-; (G): pachy-; (G): pycno-torn: (G): rhago-triangular: (G): delt-; (G): trigono-twisted: (G): ileo-; (G): plecto-; (G): strepto-; (G): strobilo-,strobo-; (G): stropho-wavy: (L): undulat-wide: (G): eury-; (L): lati-; (G): platy-
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.