- umbr
- , «a, -i (L). Shade
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Umbr. — Umbruch EN making into pages; upheaval, revolution … Abkürzungen und Akronyme in der deutschsprachigen Presse Gebrauchtwagen
UMBR — Umbriae, Umbrici, Umbricius … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
UMBR — abbr. Universal Multiple Bomb Rack … Dictionary of abbreviations
e-3, ei-, i-, fem. ī- (*ḫeĝ(h)om) — e 3, ei , i , fem. ī (*ḫeĝ(h)om) English meaning: this, etc. (demonstrative stem); one Note: Root e 3, ei , i , fem. ī : “this, etc. (demonstrative stem); one” derived from the reduced Root eĝ , eĝ(h)om, eĝō : “I”. Indic languages … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
kʷo-, kʷe-, fem. kʷā; kʷei- — kʷo , kʷe , fem. kʷā; kʷei English meaning: indefinite/interrogative pronominal base Deutsche Übersetzung: die betonten Formen sind Interrogativa, die unbetonten Indefinita Grammatical information: (presumably einst only in nom.… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Sam Gillespie — (9/1/70 8/8/03) was a philosopher with a particular interest in the work of Alain Badiou. Joan Copjec, described him as one of the most gifted and promising philosophers of his generation . [ Umbr(a) (2004)] He was also a co founder of the… … Wikipedia
per-2 — per 2 English meaning: to go over; over Deutsche Übersetzung: “das Hinausfũhren about” Material: A. Dient as preposition, preverb and Adverb: a. per, peri (locative of Wurzelnomens) “vorwärts, in Hinausgehen, Hinũbergehen about … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
de-, do- — de , do English meaning: a demonstrative stem Deutsche Übersetzung: Demonstrativstamm, partly ich deiktisch; Grundlage verschiedener Partikeln Material: Av. vaēsmǝn da “ up there to the house “; Gk. δε in ὅ δε, ἥ δε, τό δε “ that… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
dō- : dǝ-, also dō-u- : dǝu- : du- — dō : dǝ , also dō u : dǝu : du English meaning: to give Deutsche Übersetzung: “geben” Grammatical information: (perfective) Aoristwurzel with secondary present di dō mi. Material: O.Ind. dá dü ti (Aor. á dü m, Opt. dēyüm,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
du̯ō(u) (*du̯ei-) — du̯ō(u) (*du̯ei ) English meaning: two Deutsche Übersetzung: “zwei” Grammatical information: m. (grammatical double form duu̯ōu), du̯ai f. n., besides du̯ei , du̯oi , du̯i Note: compare the summary by Brugmann II2 2, 6 82… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary