- tect
- 1) , -i, -o (L). A roof, covering2) , -o (G): A carpenter, builder; soluble; (G): a roof, cover; covered
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
tect — Tect, cerchez Toict. Le tect d une maison, Tectum domus. Tect ou estable à porceaux, ou à oyes, Hara harae. Estable ou tect, Clausum … Thresor de la langue françoyse
tect- — tecto ❖ ♦ Premiers éléments de mots didactiques, du grec tektôs « fondu » … Encyclopédie Universelle
tect — de·tect; de·tect·able; de·tect·er; ob·tect; pro·tect; pro·tect·ant; ar·chi·tect; ob·tect·ed; pro·tect·ing·ly; un·pro·tect·ed·ly; un·pro·tect·ed·ness; … English syllables
tect — (tèkt) s. m. 1° Terme de vénerie. Partie de l os frontal sur laquelle porte le bois du cerf, du daim, etc. 2° Tect à porc, écurie servant à l élève des porcs, Courrier de l Ain, 1er juin 1863. ÉTYMOLOGIE Lat. tectum, toit … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
tect — … Useful english dictionary
un´pro|tect´ed|ness — un|pro|tect|ed «UHN pruh TEHK tihd», adjective. 1. not protected. –un´pro|tect´ed|ness, noun. 2. without the use of a contraceptive barrier or birth control: »unprotected sex … Useful english dictionary
un|pro|tect|ed — «UHN pruh TEHK tihd», adjective. 1. not protected. –un´pro|tect´ed|ness, noun. 2. without the use of a contraceptive barrier or birth control: »unprotected sex … Useful english dictionary
ar|chi|tect — «AHR kuh tehkt», noun, verb. –n. 1. a person who designs and lays out plans for buildings, and then sees that these plans are followed by the contractors and workers who actually put up the buildings; a person skilled in architecture. Abb arch. 2 … Useful english dictionary
de|tect|a|bil|i|ty — «dih TEHK tuh BIHL uh tee», noun. the quality of being detectable: »the detectability of underground atomic explosions … Useful english dictionary
de|tect|a|ble — «dih TEHK tuh buhl», adjective. that can be detected: »Their shrill, brassy notes swept across the scrub of the airfield on the cold night air, so as to be just detectable to the crews above the purr of their engines (Sunday Express) … Useful english dictionary