Colors and Markings

Colors and Markings
Basic Colors
black: (L): atr-, atri-; (G): melan-, melano-; (L): nigr-, nigri
blue: (L): cerule-; (G): cyano-
bluish gray: (L): caesi-
brown: (L): brunne-; (L): castane-; (L): fuse-
gray: (L): glauc-, (L): grise-; (G): polio-
green: (G): chloro-; (L): virid-, viridi-
pale yellow: (L): gllv-; (G): ochro-
purple: (G): phoenico-; (G): porphyro-, (L): purpur-, purpure
red: (G): erythro-; (L): rubi-, rubr-, rufi-
reddish orange: (G): pyrrho-
scarlet: (L): coccin-
tawny: (L): fulv-; (G): cirrho-
violet: (G): ianthin-, iodo-, iono-; (L): violace-
white: (L): alb-, albi-; (L): candid-; (G): leuco-
yellow: (L):flav-; (L): galb-; (L): lute-; (G): thapsino-; (G): xantho-
Colors from Metals
bronze: (L): aene-; (G): chalco-
copper: (G): chalco-; (L): cupri-
gold: (L): aur-, aurat-, aure-; (G): chryso-
iron: (L): ferr-, ferro-
lead: (G): molybdo-; (L): plumb-, plumbe-
silver: (L): argent-; (G): argyr-, argyro-
steel: (L): chalybd-
Colors from Other Things
ashen: (L): dner-; (L): livid—, (G): tephro-
blood: (G): haemo-, haemato—, (L): sanguin!-
chestnut: (L): castane-
coal: (G): anthraco—, (L): carb-
flame-colored: (L): flamme-; (G): pyrrho-
lemon: (G): citrin-, dtro-
orange: (L): auranti-; (G): cirrho-, (G): croco-
rainbow: (G): irido-
rose: (G): rhodo-; (L): ros-, rose-
rusty: (L): ferrugin-; (L): rubigin-
snow: (G): chiono-; (G): nipho-; (L): nival-
sooty: (G): aethalo-; (L): fuligin-; (L): fumi-
wine: (G): oeno-
Qualifying Terms
dark: (G): amauro-; (L): calig-, caligln-; (G): mauro-; (L): obscur-
dim: (G): amydro-
dusky: (G): pello-; (G): phaeo-; (L): pulli-
pale: (G): ochro-; (G): liro-; (L): pallid-, pallidi-
banded: (L):fasciat-
checkered: (L): tesselat-
speckled: (G): psaro-
spotted: (G): balio-; (L): maculat-, (G): stigmato-
streaked: (L): plagat-
striped: (L): vittat-
beautiful: (L): bell-; (G): calo-; (L): cypri-; (L)· pulchr-
color: (G): chromato-, chromo; (L): colori-
glassy: (G): hyalo-; (L): pellucid-
shining: (G): argo-; (L): lucid-

Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . . 2013.

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