Animal Structures

Animal Structures
ankle: (L): tars-, tarsi-, -tarsus
anus: (L): ano-, -anus; (G): procto-, -proctus
arm: (G): brachi-, -brachium
back: (L): dors-, dorsi-, -dorsum; (G): noto-, -notus; (L): terg-, -tergum
bag: (see bladder)
beak: (G): rhyncho-, -rhynchus; (L): rostr-, -rostrum
belly: (L): -venter, ventr-, ventro-
bladder: (G): asco-, -ascus; (G): cysto-, -cystis; (G): -physa, physo-; (L): -vesica, vesico-
blood: (G): -haema, haemato-, haemo-; (L): sanguini-, -sanguis
body: (L): corporo-, -corpus; (G): -soma, somato-
bone: (L): -os, ossi-; (G): osteo-, -osteum
border: (G): chilo-, -chilus; (G): craspedo-, -craspedum
brain: (L): cereb-, cerebr-, -cerebrum; (G): encephalo-, -encephalus
breast: (L): pector-, -pectus; (L): stern-, sterni-, -sternum; see also chest
bristle: (G): -chaeta, chaeto—, (L): -seta, seti-
cartilage: (G): chondro-, -chondrus
cell: (L): -cella, celli-; (G): cyto-, -cytus
cheek: (L): bucc-, -bucca; (L): gen-, -gena, geno-
chest: (G): stetho-, -stethus; see also breast and thorax
claw: (G): chel-, -chela, chelo-; (G): onycho-, -onyx; (L): ungui-, -unguis
crest: (L): crist-, -crista; (G): lopho-, -lophus
crown: (L): coron-, -corona; (G): stephano-, -stephanus
digit: (G): dactylo-, -dactylus; (L): digiti-, -digitus
ear: (L): auri-, -auris (L); (G): otido-, oto-, -ous
egg: (G): oo-, -oum; (L): ovi-, -ovum
eye: (L): oculi-, -oculus; (G): -omma, ommato-; (G): ophthalmo-, -ophthalmus; (G): opo-, -ops, opto-
eyelash: (G): -blepharis, blepharo-
eyelid: (L): cili-, -cilium
face: (L): faci-, -facies; (G): -ops
feather: (L): -pinna, pinni-; (L): plum-,-pluma, plumi-; (G): -pteryla, pterylo-; (G): ptilo-, -ptilum
finger: (see digit)
flesh: (L): carni-, -caro; (G): sarco-, -sarx
foot: (L): pedi-, -pes; (G): podo-, -pus
forehead: -frons, front-; (G): metopo-, -metopus, -metopius
gill: (G): branch-, -branchium, brancho-
gland: (G): -aden, adeno-; (L): glandi-, -glans
groin: -inguen, inguini-
hair: (L): capill-, -capillus; (L): crini-, -crinis; (L): pil-, pili-, -pilus; (G): -thrix, tricho-
hand: (G): -chir, chiro-; (L): mani-, manu-, -manus
head: (L): capit-, capiti-, -caput; (G): -cephala, cephalo-
heart: (G): cardi-, -cardia; (L): -cor, cordi-
heel: (L): calcan-, calcane-,-calcaneum; (L): talari-, tali-, -talus
horn: (G): -cera, cerato-; (L): corn-, -cornus
jaw: (G): genyo-, -genys; (G): gnatho-, -gnathus; (L): maxill-, -maxilla
joint: (G): arthro-, -arthrum; (L): articuli-, -articulus, -artus
kidney: (G): nephro-, -nephrus; (L): ren-, -ren, reni-
knee: (L): genu-, -genu; (G): gony-, gpnyo-, -gonys; (G): -gonatium, gonato-
knuckle: (G): condylo-, -condylus
leg: (G): cnemi-, -cnemis; (L): crur-, -crus; (G): -scelis, scelo-, scelido-
lip: (G): chilo-, -chilus; (L): labi-, labio-, -labium, labr-, -labrum
liver: (G): -hepar, hepato-; (L): jecori-, -jecur
lung: (G): -pneuma, pneumo-; (L): pulmo-, -pulmo, pulmono-
membrane: (G): chorio-, -chorium; (G): -hymen, hymeno-; (L):
membran-, -membrana; (G): meningo-, -meninx
mouth: (L): ora-, ori-, -os; (G): -stoma, stomato-
mucus: (G): blenno-, -blennus
muscle: (G): myo-, -mys; see also flesh
neck: (G): -auchen, aucheno-; (L): cervic-, -cervix; (L): coll-, -collum; (G): -dera, dero-; (G): trachelo-, -trachelus
nose: (L): nasi-, -nasus; (G): rhino-, -rhis
rib: (L): cost-, -costa, costi-; (G): scelido-, -scelis
rump: (G): gluteo-, -gluteus; (G): -pyga, pygo-
scale: (G): lepido-, -lepis; (L): squam-, -squama, squami-
shell: (G): -concha, concho-; (G): ostraco-, -ostracum
shoulder: (G): omo-, -omus
skin: -byrsa, byrso—, (G): chorio-, -chorium; (L).: cutan-, cuti-, -cutis; (G): derm-, -derma, dermo-, dermato-; (G): scyto-, -scytus
skull: (G): cranio-, -cranium
snout: (see beak)
sperm: (L): -semen, semin—, (G): -sperma, spermato-
spine: (G): -acantha, acantho-; (G): rhachi-, -rhachis; (L): -spina, spini-
stomach: (G): -gaster, gastro-; (L): -venter, ventr-
suture: (G): -rhapha, rhapho-
tail: (L): caud-, -cauda; (G): cerco-, -cercus; (G): -ura, uro-
thigh: (L): femor-, -femur; (G): mero-,-merus
thorax: (G): thoraco-, -thorax
throat: (L): gula-, -gula; (L): guttur-, -guttur; (G): laemo-, -laemus; (G): pharyngo-, -pharynx; (G): trachelo-, -trachelus
tissue: (G): histo-, -histus; (L): tel-, -tela, teli-
toe: (see digit)
tongue: (G): -glossa, glosso-, -glotta, glotto-; (L): -lingu-, -lingua
tooth: (L): -dens, dent-, denti-; (G): odonto-, -odous, -odus
vein: (G): phlebo-, -phleps; (L): ven-, -vena, veni-
windpipe: (G): broncho-, -bronchus; (G): trache-, -trachea
wing: (L): ala-, -ala, ali-; (G): ptero-, -pterum; (G): pterygo-, -pteryx
wrist: (Lj: carpo-, -carpus

Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . . 2013.

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