
, «us (L). A slope

Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . . 2013.

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  • cliv — ac·cliv·i·tous; ac·cliv·i·ty; cliv; de·cliv·i·tous; de·cliv·i·ty; pro·cliv·i·ty; de·cliv·i·tous·ly; …   English syllables

  • cliv|ers — «KLIHV uhrz», n.sing. and plural. = cleavers (the plant). (Cf. ↑cleavers) …   Useful english dictionary

  • CLIV — матем. • Запись числа 154 римскими цифрами …   Словарь обозначений

  • cliv — ˈkliv Scotland variant of cloof …   Useful english dictionary

  • ac|cliv|i|tous — «uh KLIHV uh tuhs», adjective. sloping upward; acclivous …   Useful english dictionary

  • ac|cliv|i|ty — «uh KLIHV uh tee», noun, plural ties. an upward slope of ground. SYNONYM(S): ascent. ╂[< Latin acclīvitās < acclīvis ascending < ad toward + clīvus rising ground] …   Useful english dictionary

  • de|cliv|i|tous — «dih KLIHV uh tuhs», adjective. considerably steep: »There was a dangerous shower stall with a declivitous floor (New Yorker) …   Useful english dictionary

  • de|cliv|i|ty — «dih KLIHV uh tee», noun, plural ties. a downward slope: »The declivity of the mountain pass was so steep that even the mules had difficulty. SYNONYM(S): descent, inclination, gradient. ╂[< Latin dēclīvitās < dēclīvis sloping downward <… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro|cliv|i|ty — «proh KLIHV uh tee», noun, plural ties. tendency; inclination; predisposition; leaning; propensity: »The old woman had a proclivity for finding fault. There are many spots in Florida that attract people with a proclivity for uncrowded but urbane… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro·cliv·i·ty — /proʊˈklıvəti/ noun, pl ties [count] formal : a strong natural liking for something that is usually bad : a tendency to do something that is usually bad usually singular Why do some people have a proclivity for violence? [=why are some people… …   Useful english dictionary

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