science of medicine

  • 91U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) — The world s largest medical library, the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NLM has as its mission to collect, organize, and make available biomedical science information to… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 92Veterinary medicine — The medical science concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases in animals. Aside from diagnosing and treating sick and injured animals, veterinarians prevent the transmission of animal diseases to people, and advise owners …

    Medical dictionary

  • 93medicine — Any substance administered in the treatment of disease; a remedial agent; a remedy. State v Stoddard, 215 Iowa 534, 245 NW 273, 86 ALR 616; Kelly v Carroll, 36 Wash 2d 482, 219 P2d 79, 19 ALR2d 1174; Waldo v Poe (DC Wash) 14 F2d 749. Anything,… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 94medicine — noun 1 science of treating/preventing illness ADJECTIVE ▪ modern ▪ advances in modern medicine ▪ traditional ▪ qualified in traditional Chinese medicine ▪ folk …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 95medicine — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. medicament, medication, remedy; therapy, physic; medical profession. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The healing profession] Syn. medical men, healers, practitioners, doctors, physicians, surgeons, osteopaths …

    English dictionary for students

  • 96Science and technology in Germany — Germany s achievements in science and technology have been significant and research and development efforts form an integral part of the country s economy. Germany has been the home of some of the most prominent researchers in various scientific… …


  • 97Forensic medicine — The branch of medicine that deals with the application of medical knowledge to legal problems and legal proceedings. Forensic medicine is also called legal medicine. A physician may be engaged in forensic (or legal) medicine; a lawyer with… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 98Medicine Wheel National Historic Landmark — Infobox nrhp | name =Medicine Wheel nrhp type = nhl caption = The Medicine Wheel in Big Horn County, Wyoming, USA nearest city= Kane, Wyoming locmapin = Wyoming area = architect= architecture= designated= August 29, 1970cite web|url= …


  • 99Science and technology in Romania — On May 14, 1981 Romania became the 11th country in the world to have an astronaut in space. That astronaut, Dumitru Prunariu is today s president of Romanian Space Agency.On March 18, 1906 Traian Vuia became the first person to have flown a self… …


  • 100life science — n a branch of science (as biology, medicine, or anthropology) that deals with living organisms and life processes usu. used in pl …

    Medical dictionary