- batrach
- , -o, *us (G). A frog
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Batrach... — Batrach... od. Batracho... (v. gr. Batrăchos, Frosch), Frosch … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
batrach- — combining form or batracho Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from Greek, frog, from batrachos; perhaps akin to Old High German kreta, krota toad 1. : frog … Useful english dictionary
batrachotoxin — bə.ˌtrakə, ˌba.trəkōˌ noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary batrach + toxin : a toxic steroid alkaloid C31H42N2O6 extracted from the skin of several South American frogs (genus Phyllobates) * * * /beuh trak euh tok sin, ba treuh koh … Useful english dictionary
Calydonivs Aper — CALYDONIVS APER, Gr. Ὗς Καλυδώνιος. 1 §. Namen. Diesen führet solches Schwein von der Landschaft, wo es sich aufhielt, welches die Gegend um die Stadt Kalydon in Aetolien war, woselbst damals Oeneus, als König, regierete. Taubm. ad. Virg. Aen.… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Nysaevs — NYSAEVS, i, ein Beynamen des Bacchus, Serv. ad Virgil. Aen. VI. v. 806. welchen er von dem Berge Nysa, in Indien, hat, als woselbst ihn einige Nymphen auferzogen. Hygin. Fab. 182. cf. Schol. Aristoph. ad Batrach. v. 218. Indessen geben einige das … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
batrachian — /beuh tray kee euhn/, adj. 1. belonging or pertaining to the Batrachia, a former group comprising the amphibians, and sometimes restricted to the salientians. n. 2. an amphibian, esp. a salientian. [1825 35; < NL Batrachi(a) ( < Gk bátrach(os)… … Universalium
batrachotoxin — /beuh trak euh tok sin, ba treuh koh /, n. Pharm. a venom, C31H42N2O6, obtained from skin secretions of Colombian frogs of the genus Pyllobates and used experimentally in neurology. [1960 65; < Gk bátrach(os) frog + O + TOXIN] * * * … Universalium
batraco — BATRAC(O) elem. broască . (<fr. batrach/o/ , cf. gr. batrakhos) Trimis de raduborza, 04.09.2006. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
batrachian — ba•tra•chi•an [[t]bəˈtreɪ ki ən[/t]] adj. 1) ivt of or pertaining to the Batrachia, a former group name for frogs and toads 2) a frog or toad • Etymology: 1825–35; < NL Batrachi(a) (< Gk bátrach(os) frog + NL ia+ an I … From formal English to slang
batrachophagous — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|käfəgəs adjective Etymology: batrach + phagous : feeding on frogs … Useful english dictionary