
(L). Separate, set apart

Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . . 2013.

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  • Drainage equation — A drainage equation is an equation describing the relation between depth and spacing of parallel subsurface drains, depth of the watertable, depth and hydraulic conductivity of the soils. It is used in drainage design. Parameters in Hooghoudt s… …   Wikipedia

  • segrega — SEGREGÁ, pers. 3 segrégă, vb. I. 1. intranz. (Despre elementele unui aliaj) A se separa neuniform prin răcire de la o temperatură înaltă, pe baza diferenţei dintre punctele de topire ale elementelor. 2. refl. (Despre componenţii unui material) A… …   Dicționar Român

  • Nonlinear regression — See Michaelis Menten kinetics for details In statistics, nonlinear regression is a form of regression analysis in which observational data are modeled by a function which is a nonlinear combination of the model parameters and depends on one or… …   Wikipedia

  • Watertable control — is the practice of controlling the water table in agricultural land by subsurface drainage with proper criteria to improve the crop production. Contents 1 Description and definitions 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Optimization 1.3 …   Wikipedia

  • Salinity control — relates to controlling the problem of soil salinity and reclaiming salinized agricultural land. The aim of soil salinity control is to prevent soil degradation by salinization and reclaim already salty (saline) soils. Soil reclamation is also… …   Wikipedia

  • Segmented regression — is a method in regression analysis in which the independent variable is partitioned into intervals and a separate line segment is fit to each interval. Segmented or piecewise regression analysis can also be performed on multivariate data by… …   Wikipedia

  • Drainage research — is the study of agricultural drainage systems and their effects to arrive at optimal system design. Contents 1 Aspects to be covered 2 Systems analysis 3 Crop response processes 4 …   Wikipedia

  • B-Chromosomen — sind Chromosomen, die in manchen Arten zusätzlich zum normalen Karyotyp auftreten. Sie kommen in diesen Arten per Definition nur bei einigen Individuen vor, oft begrenzt auf bestimmte Populationen und in unterschiedlicher Anzahl. In manchen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • B Chromosom — B Chromosomen sind Chromosomen, die in manchen Arten zusätzlich zum normalen Karyotyp auftreten. Sie kommen in diesen Arten per Definition nur bei einigen Individuen vor, oft begrenzt auf bestimmte Populationen und in unterschiedlicher Anzahl. In …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • B Chromosomen — sind Chromosomen, die in manchen Arten zusätzlich zum normalen Karyotyp auftreten. Sie kommen in diesen Arten per Definition nur bei einigen Individuen vor, oft begrenzt auf bestimmte Populationen und in unterschiedlicher Anzahl. In manchen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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