- pis
- , -i, -o, «us (G). A pea; meadows
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
pis — pis … Dictionnaire des rimes
pis — 1. (pî ; l s se lie : le pi z est) adv. 1° Comparatif de l adverbe mal : plus mal, d une manière plus mauvaise. Ils sont pis que jamais ensemble. Il se portait mieux ; mais aujourd hui il est pis que jamais. • Il ne m en sera jamais ni pis ni … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
pis — interj. (Adesea repetat) Strigăt cu care se cheamă pisica. ♢ expr. A nu zice (nici) pis = a nu spune nimic, a nu scoate nici o vorbă, a tăcea chitic. [var.: pâs interj.] – Onomatopee. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 pis/pis pís … Dicționar Român
pis — Pis, tantost est nom, et signifie ores le tetin ou mammelle d une vache, chevre, ou brebis: car le laict en est dit pisser, quand on les tire, mammae vaccinae, caprinae, ouillae, Ores le nombril d un chien, caninus vmbilicus, Tantost est adverbe… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Pis'e — Pi s[ e] , n. [F. pis[ e], from piser to stamp, pound, L. pisare.] (Arch.) A species of wall made of stiff earth or clay rammed in between molds which are carried up as the wall rises; called also {pis[ e] work}. Gwilt. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
PIS — steht für: Flughafen Poitiers Biard in Frankreich (IATA Code) PiS steht für: Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, nationalkonservative Partei in Polen Siehe auch Pies Pisz Peace … Deutsch Wikipedia
pis´ca|to´ri|al|ly — pis|ca|to|ri|al «PIHS kuh TR ee uhl, TOHR », adjective. 1. of or having to do with fishermen or fishing. 2. characteristic of fishermen or fishing. 3. employed in or addicted to fishing. ╂[< Latin piscātōrius (< piscātor, ōris fisherman… … Useful english dictionary
pis|ca|to|ri|al — «PIHS kuh TR ee uhl, TOHR », adjective. 1. of or having to do with fishermen or fishing. 2. characteristic of fishermen or fishing. 3. employed in or addicted to fishing. ╂[< Latin piscātōrius (< piscātor, ōris fisherman < piscis fish) + … Useful english dictionary
Pis — is a commune in the Gers department in southwestern France.ee also*Communes of the Gers departmentReferences Based on the article in the French Wikipedia … Wikipedia
Pis — Pis, Inselgruppe im Archipel der Carolinen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
PIS — [Abk. für engl. Penning ionization spectroscopy = Penning Ionisationsspektroskopie]: ↑ Penning Effekt … Universal-Lexikon