- phoeb
- , -o (G). Shine; bright
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Schieberling — (Wollschwamm, Agaricus vellereus Phoeb.), Blätterpilz, schmutzigweiß, alt röthlichgelb od. bräunlichgelb, mit dichtem, kurzem, so wie der genabelte od. trichterförmige Hut, filzigem Strunk, oft am Grunde aderig verbundenen, im Alter krausen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Messius Phoebus Severus — Flavius Messius Phoebus Severus[1] (floruit 469 470) was a Roman politician and philosopher. Biography Born in Rome,[2] he studied at the school of the platonic philosopher Proclus, in Alexandria; among the other students there were the Pagan… … Wikipedia
The One Where Estelle Dies — Episodio de Friends Título En el que muere Estelle (Hispanoamérica) Episodio nº 15 Temporada 10 Escrito por … Wikipedia Español