- mictur
- (L). Urinate
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
micturate — /mik cheuh rayt /, v.i., micturated, micturating. to pass urine; urinate. [1835 45; < L mictur(ire) to desire to urinate (mict(us), ptp. of mingere to urinate + ur desiderative suffix + i theme vowel + re inf. ending) + ATE1] * * * … Universalium
micturate — mic•tu•rate [[t]ˈmɪk tʃəˌreɪt[/t]] v. i. rat•ed, rat•ing phl to pass urine; urinate • Etymology: 1835–45; < L mictur(īre) to desire to urinate, desiderative der. of mingere to urinate + ate I mic tu•ri′tion ˈrɪʃ ən n … From formal English to slang
mic|tu|rate — «MIHK chuh rayt», intransitive verb, rat|ed, rat|ing. = urinate. ╂[< mictur(ition) + ate1] … Useful english dictionary