- heleo
- (G). A marsh, bog; pity
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
heliolitidae — ˌhēlēōˈlid.əˌdē noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Heliolites, type genus + idae : a family of Paleozoic tabulate corals prob. related to the Helioporidae but having 12 radial septa in the large zooecia … Useful english dictionary
heliophyllite — ˌhēlēōˈfiˌlīt noun ( s) Etymology: Swedish heliophyllit, from heli (I) + phyll + it ite : a mineral approximately Pb6As2O7Cl4 consisting of oxychloride of lead and arsenic that is apparently dimorphous with ecdemite … Useful english dictionary
heliotactic — |hēlēō|taktik adjective Etymology: heli (I) + tactic : of or relating to heliotaxis … Useful english dictionary
heliotaxis — |hēlēō|taksə̇s noun Etymology: New Latin, from heli (I) + taxis : phototaxis in which sunlight is the stimulus * * * heliotactic /hee lee oh tak tik/, adj. /hee lee oh tak sis/, n. Biol. movement of an organism toward or aw … Useful english dictionary
Dimasa people — The Dimasa people (or Dima basa, and also called Dimasa Kachari) are a group of people in Assam, in northeastern India Dimasa mythology says they are the children of Bangla Raja and the great divine bird Arikhidima. Bangla Raja s six sons… … Wikipedia
Andrómeda (mitología) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Andrómeda. Andrómeda encadenada a una roca de Gustave Doré (1832 1883) … Wikipedia Español
Gorgófene — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Gorgófene era la única mujer entre los hijos de Perseo y la princesa Andrómeda. Gorgófene era hermana de Perses, Micenas, Alceo, Esténelo, Heleo, Méstor y Electrión. Junto con sus hermanos, gobernó Micenas. Obtenido… … Wikipedia Español
Perseo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Perseo (desambiguación). Perseo sosteniendo la cabeza de Medusa (fresco de Pompeya) Perseo es un semidi … Wikipedia Español
Dima Hasao district — A scenic view of Khobak Village, Dima Hasao Dima Hasao district (formerly, North Cachar Hills district) is an administrative district in the state of Assam in north eastern India. As of 2011 it is the least populous district of Assam (out of… … Wikipedia
Habltats — abode: (see house) cave: (L): antro ; (L): caverni ; (G): spel , speleo ; (G): troglo depths: (G): batho , bathy ; (G): bentho , (G): bysso ; (G): bytho dry: (L): arid ; (G): azo ; (G): xero dung: (G): bolito ; (G): copro ; (G): scat» ; (G):… … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms