- gnos
- , «is, -t, -tic (G). Know; known; knowledge
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
-gnos — gnos·ti·cal; … English syllables
gnos — gnos·ti·cal·ly; … English syllables
gnos´ti|cal|ly — Gnos|tic «NOS tihk», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with Gnosticism or the Gnostics. –n. a believer in Gnosticism. ╂[< Late Latin Gnōsticus < Greek gnostikós knowing < gnōstós < gign ] –Gnos´ti|cal|ly, adverb. gnos|tic «NOS … Useful english dictionary
Gnos´ti|cal|ly — Gnos|tic «NOS tihk», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with Gnosticism or the Gnostics. –n. a believer in Gnosticism. ╂[< Late Latin Gnōsticus < Greek gnostikós knowing < gnōstós < gign ] –Gnos´ti|cal|ly, adverb. gnos|tic «NOS … Useful english dictionary
gnos|tic — «NOS tihk», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with Gnosticism or the Gnostics. –n. a believer in Gnosticism. ╂[< Late Latin Gnōsticus < Greek gnostikós knowing < gnōstós < gign ] –Gnos´ti|cal|ly, adverb. gnos|tic «NOS tihk»,… … Useful english dictionary
Gnos|tic — «NOS tihk», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with Gnosticism or the Gnostics. –n. a believer in Gnosticism. ╂[< Late Latin Gnōsticus < Greek gnostikós knowing < gnōstós < gign ] –Gnos´ti|cal|ly, adverb. gnos|tic «NOS tihk»,… … Useful english dictionary
Gnos|ti|cal — «NOS tuh kuhl», adjective. = gnostic. (Cf. ↑gnostic) Gnos|ti|cal «NOS tuh kuhl», adjective. = Gnostic. (Cf. ↑Gnostic) … Useful english dictionary
gnos|ti|cal — «NOS tuh kuhl», adjective. = gnostic. (Cf. ↑gnostic) Gnos|ti|cal «NOS tuh kuhl», adjective. = Gnostic. (Cf. ↑Gnostic) … Useful english dictionary
Gnos|ti|cism — «NOS tuh sihz uhm», noun. a mystical religious and philosophical doctrine of early Christian times. Gnostics claimed that spiritual knowledge, rather than faith, was essential to salvation … Useful english dictionary
Gnos — Raíz de conocer … Diccionario de siglas médicas y otras abreviaturas
gnos — get naked on screen … Glossary of chat acronyms & text shorthand