- frang
- (L). Breakfrat, *er, -r (L). A brotherfratercul, =us (L). A little brotherfraud, -a (L). Cheatfraxin, =us (L). The ash treefregat, «a (It). A frigate
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Frang Bardhi — (lat. Franciscus Blancus, * 1606 in Kallmet të Zadrimës; † 1643) war von 1636 bis zu seinem Tod Bischof der albanischen Diözese Sapa und Sardes. Als erster verfasste er ein lateinisch albanisches Wörterbuch. Über sein kirchliches Wirken hinaus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Frang Bardhi — (Latin: Franciscus Blancus , Italian: Francesco Bianchi ), (1606 1643), was an early Albanian church figure and author of note.He was born in Kallmet or Nënshat in the northern Albanian Zadrima region and studied theology in Italy. In 1636 he was … Wikipedia
Frang Bardhi — (latine: Franciscus Blancus, italien: Francesco Bianchi), (1606 1643), est l une des premières et plus importantes figues de l Église albanaise. Il est né à Kallmet ou Nënshat dans le nord albanais (région de Zadrima) et a étudié la théologie en… … Wikipédia en Français
Vilde Frang — Bjærke (* 19. August 1986 in Oslo, Norwegen) ist eine norwegische Geigerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Laufbahn bis 2011 3 Preise und Ehrungen (Auswahl) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Matevž Frang — Matevz Frang was a politician in Slovenia during the early 16th century when it was under the Holy Roman Empire. He became mayor of Ljubljana in 1513.[1] He was succeeded by Jurij Tazel in 1514. References ^ Mayors of Ljubljana:1504 1599 . The… … Wikipedia
Francophone — /frang keuh fohn /, adj. 1. Also, Francophonic /frang keuh fon ik/. speaking French, esp. as a member of a French speaking population. n. 2. a person who speaks French, esp. a native speaker. [1895 1900; FRANCO + PHONE] * * * … Universalium
Franco-American — /frang koh euh mer i keuhn/ n. 1. an American of French or French Canadian descent. adj. 2. of or pertaining to both France and America. [1855 60, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
Franco-Belgian system — /frang koh bel jeuhn/. See French system. * * * … Universalium
francolin — /frang keuh lin/, n. any of numerous Eurasian and African partridges of the genus Francolinus, having sharply spurred legs. [1585 95; < F < It francolino < ?] * * * any of several species of popular game birds classified as partridges. See… … Universalium
Franconia — /frang koh nee euh, kohn yeuh, fran /, n. a medieval duchy in Germany, largely in the valley of the Main River. * * * German Franken Former duchy, south central Germany. Today it is divided between Rhenish Franconia, now located in the Länder… … Universalium