- aidoi
- , -o (G). Regard with reverence; the genitals
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
Dictionary of word roots and combining forms . Donald J. Borror. 2013.
aidoi-, aidoio- — The genitals; corresponds to L. pudend . [G. aidoia, shameful things, the genitals] … Medical dictionary
aedeagus — aedeagal, adj. /ee dee euh geuhs/, n., pl. aedeagi / guy , juy /. the phallus of a male insect. Also, aedoeagus. [ < NL < Gk aidoî(a) genitals + agós leader (deriv. of ágein to lead)] * * * … Universalium
ede- — combining form or edeo Etymology: New Latin aedoe , aedoeo , from Greek aidoi & Late Greek aidoio , from Greek aidoia genitals, from neuter plural of aidoios worthy of reverence or compassion, from aidōs reverence, shame; probably akin to Old… … Useful english dictionary